*Note, while I will try to avoid major spoilers, I sometimes won't be able to help it.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

"Twilight (The Mediator, #6)" by Meg Cabot

Oh what an ending (no spoilers, I promise)! I am not nearly as attached to Suze like I am to some of Meg Cabot's other characters, but I could not stop reading Twilight. In the final installment of The Mediator series, Suze is still dealing with Paul, still in love with Jesse but soon nothing will ever be the same. Turns out Paul has a plan that would stop Suze from ever meeting Jesse. Can she stop him or will she loose the love of her life forever?

I was never into The Mediator books like I have been with the rest of Cabot's books. I think it's because the paranormal just don't interest me as much. However, this series is still quite good. It has many of the same elements that Cabot's other books for teens include; bad ass main character, romance, something that stands in front of said romance (this time around it's the face that Suze's love interest is a ghost) and at least one character that will drive you nuts. Thankfully Cabot is a talented writer so it doesn't feel like I am always re-reading the same book just with different characters. I also love that she almost always throws in a Star Wars reference somewhere in her many series (seriously I want to be friends with Meg Cabot. She comes across as girly but she makes multiple Star Wars references). I haven't read much like this series (again, the not being a fan of the paranormal comes into play here) but there is so much about this series to enjoy that I highly suggest that fans of Cabot;s other work should check these out as well as those that like non-scary ghost stories.

Happy Reading!

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