*Note, while I will try to avoid major spoilers, I sometimes won't be able to help it.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

"How Do You Hug a Porcupine?" by Laurie Isop, illustrated by Gwen Millward

The best way to describe this book is cute, cute cute! It lists ways to hug various animals from cows to giraffes, but every now in then it asks the question, How Do You Hug a Porcupine? I recently saw this book being done at a story time, and was pleased to see that the kids in the audience caught on to the rhyming scheme and would join in with the question. I just love hearing kids recite along with a book!

I think Laurie Isop has written such a fun book. I love that it is a unique idea and is all about hugs. It is a very sweet story that I know kids will relate too and they will want to know the answer to how do you hug a porcupine (spoiler alert, this question does get answered at the end of the book). I hope to see more like this from Isop since this was such a fun read!

Happy Reading!

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