Happy (Early) Turkey Day Everyone!
I assume tomorrow will be cooking and eating madness so I chose to post this early. Thank you to my awesome readers! This blog has been quite the journey and it wouldn't be anything without the people reading this right now. I hope you all have a great day filled with family, friends & loved ones, too much food, and whatever traditions you hold dear. I will certainly be spending much of this long weekend with my nose in a book.
1 year ago exactly, oddly enough I wore the
same shirt today. |
I have quite a bit to be thankful for. This has been an interesting year (and it isn't even over yet!) full of ups, downs, and what I thought were downs but what have proved to be blessings. I have grown and matured quite a bit (at least I think so) and I have begun to see that I have a lot more potential than I realized and will do my best to accomplish my goals in life, and even though I don't think I am going to meet my NaNoWriMo goal, for the first time in ages, a real story is brewing in my mind and I plan on working and developing it further. I'm also very thankful that certain people are no longer a part of my life. I really do think that I am more of a glass half-full personality, and it is really nice to not be surrounded by so much negativity. And I cannot express how amazing it has been to be involved with the local film community. Not only am I realizing that I have some hidden talents, but so does my town. I have never hated my town, but I- like many other youth- believed that it had little to offer. My eyes have been opened to the truth. There is so much talent in this town, you just have to look a bit for it. I'm glad that I didn't immediately rush out of state when I graduated from high school. I would have left behind a wonderful community, but never even known that I was missing out.
Last year's Turkey Day Table |
Most of all, I am incredibly thankful for my wonderful boyfriend. My life has changed so much since we met last year, and in a very positive way. I'm glad that I have found someone that I can truly be myself around, someone who puts up with my randomness and that we have the kind of relationship where we don't have to be attached at the hip every second of every day. I love you, Brit!
I am also very thankful that my boyfriend's awesome kiddos get to spend the holidays with us. I just pulled the pumpkin pies out of the oven and his sweet daughter helped me clean up the kitchen (and she did a wonderful job too!). It's going to be fun to see Thanksgiving through their eyes!
I hope everyone has a great day and weekend. Here's to a wonderful Thanksgiving to you all, and Happy Reading!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too! It's my first time visiting your blog. Looks very nice!!
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Thanks for visiting! Have a great holiday!